Matrix article gets published in well being magazine
Amy Branton gets Matrix article in prestigious online magazine.
In life you will find many pathways to choose from. You may try different routes and travel far but only the healing path helps you find your way back to your heart... This healing journey can be challenging as we navigate the emotionally painful experiences we inevitably face in our lives. It doesn't help that in our society showing emotion is considered to be a sign of weakness so we are taught to suppress and deny emotions rather than express and release them. But often these painful experiences lead to us closing our heart to protect us from being hurt again. Although this is an understandable strategy that seems to help us avoid further pain, emotions are energy and for us to stay healthy they need to flow otherwise suppressed emotions will eventually manifest as physical symptoms and disease in the body. Closing our hearts also disconnects us from its precious guidance and wisdom. Our heart is our creative centre and it needs to be open for us to connect with the creative intelligence of the cosmos. This is why freeing your heart from the emotional pain of the past is so important especially at this time of awakening spiritual consciousness. Matrix Reimprinting is a recent evolution of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) based on the quantum theory that we are all part of a dynamic matrix of energy exchange and manifestation that connects everything in the universe, and the psychological term imprinting which describes learned behaviour from a particular stage in our development. It also incorporates recent developments in the new sciences of Epigenetics, Morphic fields and Neural Plasticity. In a Matrix Reimprinting session we use EFT to connect with and heal the traumatised younger parts of you who have been holding onto painful emotions often since childhood. By tapping on these traumatised parts you allow them to safely release the emotional energy they have been holding. We then invite this younger part to create a new positive image and send it out from your heart into the matrix bringing you to a place of healing where you can find resolution and acceptance of the past. Matrix Reimprinting is a powerful and effective way of resolving past traumas. Freeing your energy so you can begin to create positive experiences in your life and open your heart once again to the infinite possibilities life offers you. A free heart is a happy heart.... Free Heart EFT offers one to one sessions either in person or on Skype. Mention Wellbeing Magazine to receive £10 off your first session until the end of April. Phone 07738 277379 visit or email
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