“This book is totally fabulous! A real contribution to new paradigm thinking in healthcare.” Gill Edwards, author of Living Magically.
Matrix Reimprinting is a completely new personal development technique that dramatically improves health and wellbeing by allowing you to access and transform painful memories that may be holding you trapped in the past. It was developed from the popular self-help technique, EFT, a meridian tapping therapy that has shown outstanding results with both physical and emotional issues. Matrix Reimprinting advances EFT by incorporating all the latest developments in the New Sciences and quantum physics. This technique can be self-taught and can help you to overcome a variety of health and emotional challenges, including:
. . . and many more. Whether you are brand new to EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, or a seasoned practitioner, this book contains a wealth of techniques and protocols that you can use on yourself, your family, your friends or your clients.
About the Authors
KARL DAWSON is the creator of Matrix Reimprinting. As one of only 29 EFT Masters worldwide, Karl has been at the leading edge of the personal development industry since 2003. He has trained over 1000 practitioners worldwide.
SASHA ALLENBY overcame two ‘incurable’ health conditions using Matrix Reimprinting and has contributed greatly to its development.