I had to do the hard work to get to where I am now and grateful for that. I am surrounded by an awesome group of people that have been inspirational in my development as an individual and as a practitioner. Life has been rich with diverse experiences of love, laughter, pain and suffering, empathy and acceptance.
Every day I am mindful of the gift Matrix Reimprinting has become for myself, my clients and those I engage with. To Karl Dawson thank you so much for bringing Matrix Reimprinting to the world, it is one of the most profound transformative tools. I am also very grateful to Caroline Dawson who trained me in Matrix Reimprinting.
How I can help:
I bring unconditional positive regard and acceptance to my counselling sessions and this environment enables clients a fertile environment to learn, to create their own self-healing to change and grow. All clients bring with them a richness of experience and they and their earlier memories (echoes) are the experts in their lives. I trust the Individual's inner knowing and help clients turn their challenges into their strengths. Matrix reimprinting provides the opportunity to do inner child work in the most profound way. The changes that come from processing these past memories and enabling support, community and choice in the Matrix is part of that profound change process.
Specialist areas:
Matrix Reimprinting lends itself to be used in many varied contexts for many varied issues. I have worked with clients of many ages with varied issues and find that Matrix Reimprinting is such a significant somatic tool to assist in lasting transformative constructive change. I am here to help people achieve their goals and aspirations. I am particularly interested in working with trauma. I have a background working in disability, mental health and in aged care as well as with working with children and families and young adults.
Other expertise:
Accredited Certified EFT Practitioner (EFT International).
Brainspotting Practitioner; Brainspotting Advanced Training - BSP for Children;
MATES Brain Regulation:
Accredited Member of the Australian Association of Social Workers;
Masters of Social Work (Counselling) University of Queensland;
Bachelor of Social Work (Hons I), University of Queensland.
Bachelor of Arts (Anthropology);
Post Graduate Certificate of Human Services (Child Protection)