In my professional world the aim has always been to create environments for the shifting of our internal energies, patterns and beliefs; to re-address holistic balance internally and as a by product externally. This has led to a life of study and practice in many modalities within the healing, spiritual and creative arts.
I have always felt my work is a bridge between the arts, never wanting to sit in any one box and believing they are all entwined. When I came across EFT and subsequently Matrix Reimprinting I knew that it was time to move from using the creative arts as my primary tool to shift consciousness into the healing arts.
Why? Because it was working for me and my family, the results were astounding. Yes the creative arts gave me the opportunity to create interactive installations for many to experience and shift, however, I sat in a room focussed on computer screens and mixing desks completely separate from the experiences and shifts taking place. I found when working one on one with clients using EFT and Matrix the experience is far more intimate, it is shared and I can see the results first hand.
How I can help:
Through recent research it has become more apparent that the core negative beliefs we have about ourselves are created as young children up to the age of 6 which develop into life long patterns we play out over and over again. They appear in an amazing array of symptoms including; stressors, illness, phobias, addictions, weight gain, confidence issues, anger issues, insomnia, being bullied, adoption, commitment issues, physical pain and just plain bad luck.
I can help you by gently guiding you on your journey, unravelling your patterns, finding your triggers, dissolving the energy around them and transforming the memories resulting in a healthier, happier and lighter you.
Private sessions are available in person, on Skype or by phone. Please contact me for more information or a free 20 minute consultation.
Specialist areas:
My specialist area is to address the core beliefs we create between 0 and 6 years old. in my experience they are the source of dis-ease and negative patterns. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above or have birth, death, grief or trauma related issues please get in touch. If you would like to see an extended list of ailments and issues please feel free to visit my website www.whatiseftandmatrix.com
Other expertise:
In the early 1990's I trained in Kundalini Yoga, Reiki 1 & 2 and Micro Electrical Acupuncture, all of which I carried on working with. In recent years I gained qualifications in Emotional Freedom Technique 1,2 and 3 and then went on to become a trainer. Matrix Reimprinting practitioner with Matrix Birthing Protocols, Colour Mirrors Practitioner and Reiki Master level 3.