For over two decades, I have passionately guided individuals on a transformative journey towards self-discovery and change. Firmly believing in the innate strength within each individual, I focus on nurturing innate capabilities, leveraging holistic approaches to promote emotional wellness.
How I can help:
Changing is a collaborative journey of self-empowerment. Identifying negative self beliefs and blocked creativy we develop a personal strategy for growth. Together we create a safe haven for exploration and transformation. You are the expert on you while I employ a diverse toolkit that includes mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and holistic energy practices. My mission is to guide you towards a life filled with purpose, resilience, and fulfillment.
Specialist areas:
Daily life events. Emotional Intelligence, Self efficacy. Procrastination, feeling overwhelmed, test anxiety, anger, resentment, negative self beliefs, financial issues, employment issues, grief, self doubt, guilt, shame, shock, freeze, recovering from traumatic life experiences and addictions.
Other expertise:
Matrix Reimprinting, Certified EFT Professional, Licensed Professional Counselor. Modalities Include: Light Matrix, Heart Assisted Therapy (H.A.T.). Image Transformation Therapy (ImTT), EMDR, CBT. Education includes: Masters in Business (MBA), Masters in Human Relations (MHR). BA in education.