I have been absolutely delighted with the results of using Karl Dawson's Matrix Reimprinting in my private practice for a number of years. It is wonderful to see how clients respond and often effortlessly move on from issues that may have been holding them back for much of their lives. I was very fortunate to be among the first handful of qualified Matrix Practitioners worldwide, having been trained in this and Emotional Freedom Techniques (Advanced level) by the co-authors of the original Matrix Reimprinting book back in 2009.
I regularly participate in training, conferences and further study, and am a practitioner of other energy therapies in addition to EFT/Matrix. I am an Eden Energy Medicine 'Clinical Practitioner' and authorised/approved trainer of entry level Donna Eden short courses (EM101 & EM102). My work with clients therefore often integrates several different energy 'modalities'.
I discovered the value of these techniques and therapies during my own 'journey' from chronic illness to wellness and the many challenges along the way. I still use them all regularly, for everyday stresses and to help deal with a musculoskeletal condition. I feel this gives me good rapport and empathy with others seeking wellness and balance. Matrix Reimprinting is an extremely powerful tool which I am excited to be in a position to share!
How I can help:
I work flexibly in order to meet your needs wherever you may live - either face to face (Wimborne, Dorset), or in some cases, remotely via 'Skype'. For more information please go to my website www.liferebalance.com or send a message via the 'contact me' section (scroll down - see bottom RHS of this page). Free initial phone consultation to discuss your needs.
Specialist areas:
EFT and Matrix can be applied to a wide variety of challenges, as they work by addressing the underlying 'energy' - being 'held' in response to an original trigger.
Because of my own particular history/experience, I find it especially rewarding helping clients with chronic health conditions (checked out/diagnosed). For example, I can help with regard to such aspects as emotions around situations, 'history', diagnosis, everyday challenges, the learning, pain management etc.
In addition, because Matrix can be applied to any type of emotional imbalance, I have also helped people with a wide range of other issues. Examples - phobias, public speaking anxiety, aspects of relationships, help with food issues.....and more!. (If unsure if I can help, please just ask!)
Please note that I am not a medical professional, a counsellor or a 'relate'/relationships expert, and that this is complementary therapy. However, it is possible that I may occasionally recommend/refer clients for this specialist type of support where this would be beneficial. Please seek medical advice in the first instance if you have a medical condition.
Other expertise:
Fully insured. Reasonable rates. Read more at my website 'Life Rebalance' www.liferebalance.com (just click on the link under the 'contact' section below - scroll down this page and you'll see it).