Hi, I'm delighted and privileged to be a Matrix Reimprinting practitioner! I am the author of the book 'Tapping Your Troubles Away with EFT', as a Certified EFT coach, and the book introduces Matrix Reimprinting as well as EFT.
I work on the phone anywhere, and in person in Adelaide, South Australia. About me? My background includes 25 years as an alternative therapist , trainer and writer in the field of natural therapies around Australia. I love to empower people to help themselves, and I also love giving practitioner help.
The Matrix technique is a primary gem in my jewelbox of techniques that work, to improve or heal personal difficulties -- and that often work fast!
I am a practitioner , a trainer, an educator, an author in the healing field, and a group leader. I'm very excited by the blossoming of energy healing techniques since the 1990s. It only took 100 years for Albert Einstein's message that ALL IS ENERGY to reach the West in its healthcare field!
Thanks to researchers and teachers like New Biology leader Bruce Lipton, geologist/energy researcher Gregg Braden and others (especially Gary Craig, developer of EFT the tapping technique),
and of course Matrix Reimprinting creators Karl Dawson and Sasha Allenby, the good news is spreading round the world fast.
So the time is right. And if you're reading this, you are part of it -- congratulations!
How I can help:
I can help with any personal problem, ON THE PHONE or IN PERSON in Adelaide, South Australia, using Matrix Reimprinting and EFT. This is thanks to both the wonderful array of Matrix Reimprinting approaches -- and also thanks to my years of experience of working in depth with thousands of people, both one-to-one and in groups. In a one-to-one session I both help remove the problem and offer guidance as to how you can followup via your own self-care abilities..
Specialist areas:
I specialise as a stress and trauma consultant, using EFT in eliminating stress. That field covers SO MANY difficulties that your own will no doubt be included. Emotional -- physical -- mental attitudes and beliefs -- even spiritual concerns. Phone sessions prove to work as well as face-to-face sessions with eg relationships, abuse memories, business concerns, anxiety states, goal-setting, phobias, self-confidence , PTSD, etc.
Other expertise:
For many years I have been an alternative therapist in the transpersonal field. This is where science begins to meet the mystical, a very exciting edge! I am a qualified breathwork (rebirthing) trainer. I also have a book published on my work as a past lifetimes therapist and trainer: 'Past Lifetimes -- Keys for Change!' which tells some of the multitude of cases where people re-experience for healing NOW what seem to be past lifestories. These are retrieved either spontaneously through breathwork or as directed via past lifetime therapy, regardless of whether the client believes in reincarnation or not.
Past lifetime recall appears to be a natural phenomenon of consciousness, and whether or not the 'memory' is historically verifiable, it is psychologically real for the recaller. I follow the no-hypnosis tradition of using meditative states for regression and therapeutic intervention.
The transpersonal healing field also encompasses working with metaphor, dreamwork, soul retrieval (restoring 'lost parts' of the self through the client's inner journeying), higher energy contact, and spirit releasement techniques.
While most of my current work is with Matrix Reimprinting and EFT, I also find ways to bring these faster techniques into the transpersonal techniques, whose longer time spans allow more profound exploration of consciousness. This wide range of techniques can therefore access healing entry points along a spectrum of healing possibilities, wherever a client is drawn.