In a `former life` I graduated in Physical Therapy and Anthropology at the University of Louvain. I had a part-time practice and spent the rest of my time developing an ecological business together with a friend. This business generated a spin-off and we rejoiced in running these thriving businesses with our motivated team. In that same period our kids were born. Finally this meant the end of my health - 2002 was the year that I ended up home with a severe burn-out – I had gone far beyond my limits…
It took me awhile before I could see the new possibilities. Slowly I started to devour books and courses on body-mind topics. It led me to wonderful insights and experiences…. After 4 more years I sold the businesses.
For the last 10 years I`ve had the opportunity to study life from many different angels: body-mind, emotional, energetic, spiritual….Out of this inspiration grew my private practice where I work with adults and teenagers mostly on topics of fear, trauma, CFS and life-issues. EFT and Matrix Reimprinting were the biggest discoveries!!!
You are more than welcome!
Sessions can be done in Flemish, Dutch, French, English and German.
How I can help:
I help people to feel, overcome and heal obstacles and conflicts that prevent them from being centred, pain-free and healthy. We go through a process in which we transform limiting beliefs into powerful rewired thinking and feeling. This inside-out process creates peacefulness, health and happiness – which is our birthright after all ?. You are more than welcome!
Specialist areas:
emotional work, trauma, pain, fear, phobias, life-issues, CFS,
Other expertise:
Kinesiologist, Bodyworker, The Journey