I work with both the creative and healing arts. I believe that our most important work is to raise our vibration and become the best, most authentically expressed version of ourselves that we can.
Healing is a large part of that and very often behind our biggest struggles lie our most profound insights and journeys.
Releasing unhelpful beliefs, past hurts and traumas, allows our body to activate its natural healing abilities and enables us to see our life and ourselves in a new, more confident light.
How I can help:
I practice EFT and Matrix Reimprinting to help find and release the root cause of physical, metal, emotional or other, issues. You can find more details on my website.
I work via Skype or at the Vinings Health Care Centre in Sussex.
Specialist areas:
EFT Matrix/ Matrix Birth Reimprinting/ past life trauma/ creative blocks/ performance blocks/ Self-esteem/ fear and resistance around life goals/ future reimprinting.
Other expertise:
Master Diploma in Life Coaching, NLP, Clinical Hypnosis. Law Of Attraction Coaching and Reiki