For over three decades, I have specialised in helping people to resolve their conflicts and to have their say, firstly as a barrister, and in recent years as a mediator and conflict coach (trained in the CINERGY method.
I use my skills as a practitioner of EFT, Matrix Reimprinting, Havening Techniques and Heartmath to help my conflict coaching clients to manage external or internal conflicts with greater clarity, insight and ease and less emotional upset.
My particular area of interest is helping people who are suffering because of bullying - whether in the past or present, or directly or as a parent - to empower themselves and move past those experiences.
Specialist areas:
I help people
• to stand in their power with ease
• to overcome anxiety at speaking up and speaking out
• to overcome the fears of confrontation, conflict or disagreement
• to build self-esteem and self-worth
• to establish clear and healthy boundaries
• to clear negative beliefs
• to clear/calm anger
• to clear/calm traumatic memories and shame
• to overcome their fear of public speaking