I am an advanced EFT practitioner and EFT Matrix Reimprinting practitioner and Matrix Birth Reimprinting practitioner. I have been practising other holistic therapies full time since May 2012 after leaving a 'regular' office job for a complete change in direction. Although I started with massage I have thoroughly fallen in love with the energy therapies like EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, and Quantum Touch, which are such a amazing tools to share; they really do enable each and everyone one of us to unblock, release and flow allowing our true shiny selves to come out to play.
How I can help:
Your body holds the keys to all that you are, by using the EFT and the Matrix we can tap into the information, find where it started and begin to make lasting changes to your deeply held beliefs about yourself and your place within the world.
I firmly believe that the body, mind and spirit reacts best to the gentle approach; Matrix Reimprinting together with intention, attention and care can reveal all you need to know about yourself, enabling you to make real choices, empowering yourself and freeing yourself from what holds you back. I like to work with gentleness, care and integrity but all my sessions have laughter too, so don't worry about intensity. Always, at the heart of each and every session is you, so let's enable you to be your true shiny self!
Specialist areas:
Emotional Eating, Blocks to emotional well-being, Inner Child work, Birth Reimprinting
Other expertise:
I am a Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist and Life Coach, I work with Energy via three therapeutic ways: Energy Psychology Techniques (EFT/ Matrix Reimprinting, NLP, Kinetic Shift, Matrix Birth Reimprinting & Hypnotherapy), Energy Healing (Reiki, Angelic Reiki and Quantum Touch) and Reflexology for all including Maternity and Fertility.
I also offer a 6 week programme to combat Emotional eating.
For more information, please see my website.