I work as social worker since 1999 and for last 15 years in the mental health field. I am also very active in legislation and in changing mental health services in our country. Besides that I trained in Gestalt Experiential Family Therapy and I trained in modality Matrix Reimprintig and EFT with Karl Dawson in August 2015. Prior to that in 2011 I attended my first MR 2 Day Training Course with Susie Shelmerdine. Since 2012 I did several Matrix Reimpritning webinas and courses and personal work with Sasha Allenby (Personal Transformation Program, Advance Tools Matrix Reimprinting, Awakwening Program, Authentic Messenger )
I attended a lot of extra courses regarding my work in menthal healt field and trauma and I am constantly exploring and reading and researching the personal growth field and alternative ways of healing. I am passionate in bringing MR into my country to mental health professionals and therapists.
Specialist areas:
I specialized working with people with menthal health problems and dealing with trauma.