"At the onset of the session, my intention was to clear some major roadblocks with my business. With Mitsuko's gentle guidance, I uncovered a very deep hurt I experienced way back in grade school. With that awareness, it was very easy to see beyond and move past today's obstacle. Mitsuko provided a very safe space for me to freely open up. Doing so allowed me to explore in depth what was previously hidden from me. Once I was aware of the emotional pains I had suffered, I could let them go so they no longer had a hold on me. What a great therapy session! Thank you for the gift you offer the world."
- Clyde Ranney
“I had an incredible EFT session. I had a huge desire to remove a blockage that I had in order to move forward. I knew something was holding me back, but I didn’t know what it was.
I was shocked when she helped me discover my repressed memory from my childhood. Tears were running down my face as I was going through and reliving my repressed memory. That was the cause of quite a few of my negative thoughts and suffering in the past. I did not even know that I had them. Fortunately, with Mitsuko guiding me, I was able to move forward and safely let go of my dark past. This was a very liberating experience. It took me a few more days to recover mentally, but it was great!”
- Yongyi Xu
"Mitsuko helped me to feel like there is hope that I can get past a life-long phobia. I had completely given up and given in, allowing it to control my life in so many ways. I was amazed at the feelings she was able to evoke and then make disappear with EFT. She has a very calm and sincere demeanor that makes it very easy to open up to her. I was able to find underlying issues that had never occurred to me and work on those as well, with very positive results. I feel so lucky to have found her and this valuable tool."
- Kelly Blanchard